Apartment Poor?

Have you ever heard the term house poor?  That’s where someone buys so much house that they can’t afford to furnish it, to maintain it, or even to enjoy life.  Generally, apartments with more amenities come with higher rents which bring me to the most important question?  Can I afford to live here?  Nothing will steal your joy faster than the first of the month when rent is due and you can’t cover it.  You can’t live n peace when you constantly have to make special arrangements or work a lot of overtime just to make ends meet.  We at Pathfinder Apartment Locators encourage you to do the math, you will thank us later.

Roughly one third of your income should be budgeted for your rent and housing expense.  This takes discipline and knowledge of the area where you intend to live and a list of amenities in order of importance.  A good article on the subject can be found here at thebalance.com.  Always keep in mind, as you are searching for the perfect to live, that you have the ability to make any place your own. 

If you are just starting out, a great way to defray these costs and to live in a really nice place is to take on a roommate.  Not to get too far off topic but choosing a roommate is more than just getting an apartment with your best friend.  You may like hanging out with your friend, but the objective is to keep the friend and your peace.  Stay tuned for a future blog on choosing the right roommate.

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